Should I Draft a Prenuptial Agreement?
Should I get a prenup? Many couples find themselves facing this question. If you’re very wealthy, have had previous marriages, or have children going into the marriage then it may make sense speak with a family law attorney regarding a prenuptial agreement. However,...
7 Mistakes to Avoid During Your Complex or High Net Worth Divorce
Unfortunately, divorce is a possibility that many people need to consider. The more assets you own, the more prepared you need to be when it comes to a high net worth divorce. The results of your divorce can impact you long after it is finalized in court, so it’s...
How Much Will I Need to Pay for Child Support in Massachusetts?
Child Support Laws in Massachusetts All children are entitled to financial support from both of their parents. Massachusetts child support laws exist to make sure parents share the cost of raising a child, even when they don’t live together. The parent that the child...