Wrongful Death Claims and Who Can File?
Just like most other states, the state of Massachusetts has its own laws governing lawsuits for wrongful death. These laws define what a wrongful death is, who can file a wrongful death claim with the court system, what damages can be awarded in a claim, and what the...
I Was Served With a Restraining Order, What Should I Do?
When relationships break down or the end of a relationship comes as a result of some dispute, often criminal in nature, a person may seek a Restraining Order or a Harassment Order against another person. In Massachusetts there is a difference between the two:...
5 Ways Your Asset Division Can Go Wrong In Your Divorce
Whether you think you have very little in the way of assets or that you have a good amount of assets in your name or jointly held with another, there are important steps to take in order to make sure that the division of assets in your divorce goes smoothly. Here are...
Should I Draft a Prenuptial Agreement?
Should I get a prenup? Many couples find themselves facing this question. If you’re very wealthy, have had previous marriages, or have children going into the marriage then it may make sense speak with a family law attorney regarding a prenuptial agreement. However,...